Giorgio Maone

Giorgio Maone is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 2 Firefox add-ons, including NoScript Security Suite. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 305,229 users.

Users: 305,229 (Average 152,615/add-on)
Emails: no*****,gi*****
Rating: 4.40 (2,216)
Total active add-ons: 2
Number of previously published add-ons: 0

Active extensions

#1, TabWalk
Giorgio Maone
Use Alt+Shift with the left and right arrow keys to navigate your tabs in the order you've used them. Alt+Shift+◀ to go back, Alt+Shift+▶ to go forward. Simple like that.
4.27 (11)
NoScript Security Suite
#2, NoScript Security Suite
NoScript Security Suite
Giorgio Maone
The best security you can get in a web browser! Allow potentially malicious web content to run only from sites you trust. Protect yourself against XSS other web security exploits.
4.40 (2,205)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count