
mpascucci is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 3 Firefox add-ons, including Stackoverflow Shortcut. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 206 users.

Users: 206 (Average 69/add-on)
Email: ma*****
Rating: 5.00 (6)
Total active add-ons: 3
Number of previously published add-ons: 0
Most used add-on
Search directly Stackoverflow from the address bar
5.00 (2) 78
Least used add-on
Search wikipedia (any language) directly from the address bar. Set the default language in the extension's settings or use a language option (e.g. "wik operating system" or "wik -fr Victor Hugo")
5.00 (2) 56
Highest rated add-on
Search directly Stackoverflow from the address bar
5.00 (2) 78
Lowest rated add-on
Search directly Stackoverflow from the address bar
5.00 (2) 78

Active extensions

Wikipedia Shortcut
#1, Wikipedia Shortcut
Wikipedia Shortcut
Search wikipedia (any language) directly from the address bar. Set the default language in the extension's settings or use a language option (e.g. "wik operating system" or "wik -fr Victor Hugo")
5.00 (2)
Wordreference Shortcut
#2, Wordreference Shortcut
Wordreference Shortcut
Translate with WordReference directly from the address bar.
5.00 (2)
Stackoverflow Shortcut
#3, Stackoverflow Shortcut
Stackoverflow Shortcut
Search directly Stackoverflow from the address bar
5.00 (2)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count