Instead of completely blocking canvas fingerprinting, Canvas Defender add-on creates a unique and persistent noise that hides your real canvas fingerprint. This add-on protects you while browsing both in normal and private mode.
Canvas Defender add-on for Firefox: Persistent noise for Privacy
Canvas Defender is a Firefox add-on that focuses on enhancing browser privacy. Unlike other tools that block canvas fingerprinting, this add-on cleverly creates a unique, consistent digital noise. This noise effectively masks your actual canvas fingerprint, making it harder for any entity to track your browsing activity. Functions efficiently in both normal and private browsing modes, and lets you drop your spoofed identity at your convenience. Recommended for users of any multilogin tool without an in-built canvas fingerprinting spoofing option.
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Instead of completely blocking canvas fingerprinting, Canvas Defender add-on creates a unique and persistent noise that hides your real canvas fingerprint. This add-on protects you while browsing both in normal and private mode. With Canvas Defender you are in control to drop your spoofed identity anytime.
Canvas Defender add-on is strongly recommended for users of all multilogin tools except MultiLoginApp, which already has in-built Canvas Fingerprint spoofing option.
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Great for privacy
Essential part of toolkit for privacy on the web
Fulfills exactly what it promises
Abrasive notifications
Issues with photo color change
Problems logging into certain sites (like eBay) due to reCaptchas