CAD Team

CAD Team is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 2 Firefox add-ons, including Cookie AutoDelete. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 234,911 users.

Users: 234,911 (Average 117,456/add-on)
Rating: 4.56 (1,513)
Total active add-ons: 2
Number of previously published add-ons: 0

Active extensions

Cookie AutoDelete
#1, Cookie AutoDelete
Cookie AutoDelete
CAD Team
Control your cookies! This WebExtension is inspired by Self Destructing Cookies. When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Keep the ones you trust (forever/until restart) while deleting the rest. Containers Supported
4.58 (1,442)
History AutoDelete
#2, History AutoDelete
History AutoDelete
CAD Team
Control your history! This WebExtension will let you pick a domain to be auto deleted from history. Useful for any site that likes to spawn a bunch of history entries (ex. Google Maps or Google Translate). Also you can expire history by days.
4.23 (71)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count