Olivier R.

Olivier R. is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 4 Firefox add-ons, including French spelling dictionary. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 938,831 users.

Users: 938,831 (Average 234,708/add-on)
Rating: 4.34 (706)
Total active add-ons: 4
Number of previously published add-ons: 0
Most used add-on
Spelling dictionary for the French language.
4.35 (204) 308,741
Least used add-on
Grammalecte [fr]
French grammar checker. Included: conjugation tool, lexicographer, text formatter and spelling dictionaries.
4.24 (94) 12,608
Highest rated add-on
Spelling dictionary for the French language.
4.35 (204) 308,741
Lowest rated add-on
Grammalecte [fr]
French grammar checker. Included: conjugation tool, lexicographer, text formatter and spelling dictionaries.
4.24 (94) 12,608

Active extensions

French spelling dictionary
#1, French spelling dictionary
French spelling dictionary
Olivier R.
Spelling dictionary for the French language.
4.35 (204)
Grammalecte [fr]
#2, Grammalecte [fr]
Grammalecte [fr]
Olivier R.
French grammar checker. Included: conjugation tool, lexicographer, text formatter and spelling dictionaries.
4.24 (94)
French spelling dictionary
#3, French spelling dictionary
French spelling dictionary
Olivier R.
Spelling dictionary for the French language.
4.35 (204)
French spelling dictionary
#4, French spelling dictionary
French spelling dictionary
Olivier R.
Spelling dictionary for the French language.
4.35 (204)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count