Rally Developers

Rally Developers is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has previously published 9 Firefox add-ons. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 1,528 users.

Users: 1,528 (Average 170/add-on)
Email: su*****@rally.mozilla.org
Rating: 4.75 (60)
Total active add-ons: 0
Number of previously published add-ons: 9

Previous extensions

Political and COVID-19 News Study
#1, Political and COVID-19 News Study
Political and COVID-19 News Study
Rally Developers
A Rally study on how web users engage with news about politics and COVID-19.
5.00 (2)
Rally Attention Stream
#2, Rally Attention Stream
Rally Attention Stream
Rally Developers
The Mozilla Rally Attention Stream
5.00 (4)
Beyond the Paywall
#3, Beyond the Paywall
Beyond the Paywall
Rally Developers
A Mozilla Rally Study
3.00 (4)
Your Time Online and "Doomscrolling"
#4, Your Time Online and "Doomscrolling"
Your Time Online and "Doomscrolling"
Rally Developers
A Mozilla Rally study that explores how people spend time with their browser.
5.00 (5)
Search Engine Usage Study
#5, Search Engine Usage Study
Search Engine Usage Study
Rally Developers
This study measures how individuals interact with their search engines.
5.00 (2)
Princeton Political and COVID-19 News Study
#6, Princeton Political and COVID-19 News Study
Princeton Political and COVID-19 News Study
Rally Developers
A Rally study on how web users engage with news about politics and COVID-19.
5.00 (3)
Rally Attention Stream
#7, Rally Attention Stream
Rally Attention Stream
Rally Developers
The Mozilla Rally Attention Stream
4.60 (5)
Mozilla Rally
#8, Mozilla Rally
Mozilla Rally
Rally Developers
It’s your data. Use it for change.
4.85 (27)
Facebook Pixel Hunt
#9, Facebook Pixel Hunt
Facebook Pixel Hunt
Rally Developers
A Mozilla Rally study to map Facebook’s tracking pixel network across the web.
4.88 (8)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count