Xuan Wu

Xuan Wu is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 6 Firefox add-ons, including History in Threads. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 868 users.

Users: 868 (Average 145/add-on)
Email: fr*****@gmail.com
Rating: 4.50 (48)
Total active add-ons: 6
Number of previously published add-ons: 0
Most used add-on
Show browsing history in threads. Search keywords the same way as in Firefox History.
4.10 (21) 402
Least used add-on
离线英汉词典 (v0.0.8resigned1)
Select some English word or phrase in the web page, and press the toolbar button to see its Chinese translation in the popup. The dictionary data is built-in. No dependency on external translation services.
4.89 (9) 89
Highest rated add-on
离线英汉词典 (v0.0.8resigned1)
Select some English word or phrase in the web page, and press the toolbar button to see its Chinese translation in the popup. The dictionary data is built-in. No dependency on external translation services.
4.89 (9) 89
Lowest rated add-on
Show browsing history in threads. Search keywords the same way as in Firefox History.
4.10 (21) 402

Active extensions

History in Threads
#1, History in Threads
History in Threads
Xuan Wu
Show browsing history in threads. Search keywords the same way as in Firefox History.
4.10 (21)
一马: 在线代码翻译
#2, 一马: 在线代码翻译
一马: 在线代码翻译
Xuan Wu
工具栏按钮, 弹窗为在线代码的翻译. 现支持GitHub, 码云.
4.67 (3)
一马: 在线代码翻译
#3, 一马: 在线代码翻译
一马: 在线代码翻译
Xuan Wu
工具栏按钮, 弹窗为在线代码的翻译. 现支持GitHub, 码云.
4.67 (3)
#4, 离线英汉词典
Xuan Wu
Select some English word or phrase in the web page, and press the toolbar button to see its Chinese translation in the popup. The dictionary data is built-in. No dependency on external translation services.
4.89 (9)
一马: 在线代码翻译
#5, 一马: 在线代码翻译
一马: 在线代码翻译
Xuan Wu
工具栏按钮, 弹窗为在线代码的翻译. 现支持GitHub, 码云.
4.67 (3)
#6, 离线英汉词典
Xuan Wu
Select some English word or phrase in the web page, and press the toolbar button to see its Chinese translation in the popup. The dictionary data is built-in. No dependency on external translation services.
4.89 (9)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count