Yevhen Tretiakov

Yevhen Tretiakov is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 2 Firefox add-ons, including UnTrap for YouTube. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 1,899 users.

Users: 1,899 (Average 950/add-on)
Email: sw*****
Rating: 4.53 (43)
Total active add-ons: 2
Number of previously published add-ons: 1

Active extensions

UnTrap for YouTube
#1, UnTrap for YouTube
UnTrap for YouTube
Yevhen Tretiakov
Hide YouTube recommendations, shorts, comments, suggestions, related videos, trending and other distractions.
4.46 (28)
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
#2, SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
Yevhen Tretiakov
Block feed, shorts, related and other distractions on time-wasting sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn...
4.67 (15)

Previous extensions

UnTrap - Block YouTube Distractions
#1, UnTrap - Block YouTube Distractions
UnTrap - Block YouTube Distractions
Yevhen Tretiakov
Hide YouTube related videos, comments, shorts, homepage recommendations and more...
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count