vamshi krishna

vamshi krishna is a Firefox add-on publisher. It has published 2 Firefox add-ons, including Web Monitor. Its Firefox add-ons have reached 9 users.

Users: 9 (Average 5/add-on)
Email: va*****
Rating: 3.00 (4)
Total active add-ons: 2
Number of previously published add-ons: 0

Active extensions

Web Monitor
#1, Web Monitor
Web Monitor
vamshi krishna
this addon acts like a performance judge of web pages , a used goes to . if website look a lot of load on browser , addon updates theme automatically to danger color and if that website is fast and light enough ,it updates theme to safe color(green)
3.67 (3)
#2, ext-coll
vamshi krishna
this extension can be entrance portal to all extensions . to get most of firefox browser , we need to install many extensions . to avoid this problem , you can open this extension . and in popup . select the extension you wanna open
1.00 (1)

Stats trends

Total user count
Firefox add-on count