Cookie AutoDelete

Cookie AutoDelete

Control your cookies! This WebExtension is inspired by Self Destructing Cookies. When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Keep the ones you trust (forever/until restart) while deleting the rest. Containers Supported

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "background": {
    "scripts": [
  "description": "__MSG_extensionDescription__",
  "homepage_url": "",
  "author": "CAD Team",
  "default_locale": "en",
  "browser_action": {
    "browser_style": false,
    "default_icon": {
      "48": "icons/icon_48.png"
    "default_title": "Cookie AutoDelete",
    "default_popup": "popup/popup.html"
  "icons": {
    "48": "icons/icon_48.png",
    "128": "icons/icon_128.png"
  "applications": {
    "gecko": {
      "id": "[email protected]",
      "strict_min_version": "63.0"
  "minimum_chrome_version": "74",
  "options_ui": {
    "page": "settings/settings.html",
    "open_in_tab": true
  "permissions": [
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "__MSG_extensionName__",
  "version": "3.8.2"