迅雷下载支持 - Firefox Add-on for Enhanced Downloading with Xunlei 11
'迅雷下载支持' is a convenient Firefox add-on intended for users of Xunlei 11 or newer versions that aims to streamline your internet downloads. Upon installation, this extension allows Xunlei 11 to handle all download requests from Firefox. In addition, a 'Download with Xunlei' option will be added to the right-click context menu. Please note that this extension is not compatible with non-official or older versions of Xunlei.
Add-on stats
Weekly download count: 316
Firefox on Android: No
Risk impact: High risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
Size: 35.99K
Email: xl*****@xunlei.com
URLs: Privacy policy
Other platforms
Not available on Chrome
Not available on Android
Not available on Edge
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Add-on summary
安装本扩展后,可以使用迅雷11接管Firefox的下载请求,同时在右键菜单内也会增加“使用迅雷下载”菜单项。 【注意】本扩展需配合迅雷11及后续版本使用!“非官方客户端、老版本客户端”无法使用!
User reviews
Add-on safety
Risk impact
迅雷下载支持 requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
迅雷下载支持 has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.
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