Autorefresh on Error

Autorefresh on Error

Autorefreshes page after 3 seconds if page did not load.

Total ratings for Autorefresh on Error
4.33 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Autorefresh on Error on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for Autorefresh on Error
Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.33
Rating filters
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33% (1)
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67% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2020-11-27 Firefox user 13165481 Does exactly what it says on the tin.
2020-11-19 Emtu I like what it does, but some configuration options would be nice. (I'd like to see options such as delay before refresh and whitelist/blacklist functionality.) Edit: A toolbar button to toggle it on/off would also be nice, much more convenient than manually disabling the extension when it starts triggering on a page it shouldn't.
2020-09-03 caudasemper could you add an icon in the URL bar, cloudflare sometime takes more than 3 sec and it never load, and i have to disable extension load these slow tabs or a button to switch between 3/5 seg