Basic automatic tabs unloader

Basic automatic tabs unloader

Automatically unload tabs

Total ratings for Basic automatic tabs unloader
4.40 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Basic automatic tabs unloader on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for Basic automatic tabs unloader
Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.40
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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-01-22 CemKey
2020-05-24 RayneYoruka
2019-04-28 Firefox user 14643647
2018-11-07 Firefox user 13795438 This is a super basic program that keeps only a set number of tabs open based on which ones you've used last which is fine. It's just that people are looking for more features, like timers, context menu, etc.
2018-07-18 Firefox user 13462192 This unloads based on a configured number of tabs you want to keep active. That isn't what I was looking for though, I want a configurable timer, and also manual unloading. Would also like a "keep this tab loaded" feature without having to pin.