

Instantly creates a Bibtex, RIS, Endnote, APA, MLA or (B)Arnold S. or any user-defined bibliography item, or a user-defined link from abstract pages of scientific journal articles, books and theses, or from news pages and generic websites!

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "BibItNow!",
  "version": "0.908",
  "description": "Instantly generates a Bibtex, RIS, Endnote, APA, MLA or (B)Arnold S. bibliography item from journal articles, books, theses, or generic webpages!",
  "applications": {
    "gecko": {
      "id": "[email protected]",
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        "default": "Alt+W",
        "linux": "Alt+W",
        "mac": "Alt+W",
        "windows": "Alt+W"
      "description": "Opens the BibItNow! popup and copies the citation text/redirection link automatically to clipboard if auto copy option enabled."
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      "description": "Opens the BibItNow! popup and downloads the citation automatically."
  "omnibox": {
    "keyword": "doi"
  "optional_permissions": [
  "permissions": [