支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree

ChatFree是一款全能型AI助手,基于OpenAI ChatGPT 4 和 Google Bard,支持在会话中完成各种任务,如画图、写诗、写歌、写作等等。无论你是学生、老师、科研、程序员等等任何角色,都可以利用ChatFree释放你的创造力和生产力。

支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree is available to install from Firefox Browser Add-ons and for download from this page. It has 84 active users The latest version is 3.0.1, and it was published a year ago.

Install from Firefox Browser Add-ons
View source code
Total download count: 0 (Only count downloads from Firefox-Stats)

All available versions

You can find the current and older versions of 支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree here. You can download the archived versions or inspect their source codes.

As a free user, you can only download the latest version.

Upgrade to download older versions
8 versions available for download.

Install XPI file

  1. Simply drag-and-drop the XPI into Firefox to install the add-on.

Install ZIP file

  1. In Firefox browser, go to about:addons to open Add-ons Manager
  2. Click on , then select Install Add-on From File
  3. Select the 支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree ZIP file from step 1. 支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree is now installed on your browser.