True Sight

True Sight

Easily find out which content delivery networks are serving you content on behalf of web servers.

Total ratings for True Sight
5.00 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for True Sight on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for True Sight
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-06-12 geeknik
2023-04-09 Trashify
2022-08-09 pelle
2021-08-16 Mofiac
2019-08-17 Firefox user 15109409 WOW. A must use little addon that reveals the content delivery networks that serve the vast majority of websites we visit all over the web, reveals privacy issues that arise with the global monopolization of fastfood CDNs. Before using this I assumed the majority of websites existed on independent mom pop servers all over the planet. They are not, by and large they are delivered by monopolies such as amazon, cloudflare, azure, fastly ETC. The Terrorist Regime of America's Amazon banned Iran from using VPN's located on Amazon CDNs. We can see how the criminals could potentially use their monopolies for censorship and other criminal activities.
2019-06-26 Mohamed Nessem
2018-11-02 alekksander
2018-09-12 ghost