Direct Currency Converter

Direct Currency Converter

Autoconverts prices from any currency to prices in a selectable currency while browsing. Supports $, £, ¥, ؋, ৳, ฿, ៛, ₡, ₦, ₨, ₩, ₪, ₫, €, ₭, ₮, ₱, ₲, ₴, ₵, ₸, ₹, ₺, ₼, ₽, ﷼, etc.

Total ratings for Direct Currency Converter
3.59 (Rating count: 27)
See reviews for Direct Currency Converter on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent reviews for Direct Currency Converter
Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.59
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26% (7)
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26% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-05-24 Firefox user 12272790 Brilliant for auto conversion on toggle from US Dollars to GB Pounds
2023-11-10 Firefox user 13528032 Can't even change the currency to convert to. You choose Euro, click ”save” and it doesn't register.
2023-09-05 Chanda
2023-05-05 Ahmedak
2022-11-07 Firefox user 14177564 This was great - but now it's buggy and I cannot scroll to select the currency I need (THB).
2022-03-04 YusufT
2021-11-08 Firefox user 16978199
2021-04-03 kllb useless. just doesn't do anything.
2021-01-20 Bobek kinda works but no option to change curency in tool bar icon is not acceptable thing. also list in settings presented in the way that you can not easily find i.e. euro (it is not possible to use ctrl+f to search in addons options tab) and list is just whole big mess sorted randomly. overall addon semed promising is just unusable unless one have day or two to dig trought
2020-10-03 Shelly It's not correct. 1EUR=33.9 TWD
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