Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express

Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express

A simple extension for superfast and easy YouTube downloads in FLV, 3GP, MP3, MP4, 720p, and 1080p formats.

Total ratings for Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express
4.22 (Rating count: 15,590)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Allows downloading videos from YouTube
  • Responsive and helpful technical support
  • Variety of possible download-video-resolutions
  • Slick and easy to use
  • Limited features and resolution options for free version
  • Issues with pro version needing re-purchase due to server changes
  • Some users claim it doesn't work at all unless you pay
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work unless you pay for Pro version
  • Responsive and helpful technical support
  • Limited features and resolution options for free version
See reviews for Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent reviews for Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express
Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.22
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Rating filters
5 star
70% (2,153)
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5% (158)
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2% (61)
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2% (56)
1 star
21% (637)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-07-26 Spek Больше не работает, пишет какую-то ерунду: "Youtube перешел на раздельную технологию потоковой передачи аудио/видео для более качественных форматов и больше не предоставляет прямые потоки 720p (с 24 сентября 2018 г.)/1080p/mp3. Для преобразования этих потоков в загружаемые форматы вам потребуется мощная серверная инфраструктура, поэтому загрузка 1080p/mp3 ограничена для пользователей PRO" Наверное, хотят денег.
2024-07-26 Dmitry Does not work at all. Tries to push the paid version.
2024-07-26 Firefox user 18070541 Conclusion. If you make a donation, as of July 2024, all features are immediately available. However, while the author claims that "donations can be made only once, repeated donations are requested. After a certain period of use, After a certain period of use, the functionality may be discontinued at the author's discretion. In fact, many people who donated over a year ago have had their functionality deactivated. Even if they were stripped of the PRO version, You can have your login reinstated by making a repeat donation each time. In other words, this add-on should be considered like a subscribe with an unknown expiration date. 結論から言います。 寄付をすれば、2024年7月現在、全ての機能がすぐに使えます。 ただし、作者は「寄付は一度きりで良い」と謳いながら、 繰り返しの寄付を要求します。 ある程度の使用期間を過ぎた後、 作者の判断で機能は停止させられる可能性があります。 実際に1年以上前に寄付を行った人の多くは機能を停止させられています。 PROバージョンを剥奪されても、 そのつど繰り返し寄付する事でログインが復活します。 つまり、このアドオンは有効期間が不明のサブスクのようなものと考えるべきです。
2024-07-26 Mitsuhiro
2024-07-25 Firefox user 14074113 Works well for me. The occasional hiccup is always addressed promptly by the developer and sorted out as needed.
2024-07-25 Firefox user 15708137 I gave thirty dollars then had to re download and am not pro now???? Can.t find where to sign in again without donating again....???? It did work most off the time.
2024-07-25 Firefox user 16155710
2024-07-25 kosijak Делайте сразу платным, не тратьте впустую время пользователей!!!
2024-07-25 Firefox user 17911164
2024-07-25 Firefox user 16895685
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