Gopass Bridge

Gopass Bridge

Gopass Bridge allows searching and inserting login credentials from the gopass password manager ( ).

Total ratings for Gopass Bridge
4.64 (Rating count: 11)
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Recent reviews for Gopass Bridge
Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.64
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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-01-04 michojel
2022-12-21 rockstable Works like a charme! The plugin integrates nicely with pass, which allows PGP encrypted sharing in teams with git. It also displays OTP and optionally provided metadata (YAML). Is available for Chrome and Firefox … I really like it! Thank you very much for this great piece of glue - a real timesaver.
2022-02-17 Firefox user 15227280
2021-11-07 Gerry I thought this was meant to be the easier version of pass! This is actually far harder and more broken. Step 1: Have go version 1.16 or later Step 2: run `go get` Step 3: run `gopass setup` and have it fail with a cryptic error message Step 4: Spend the next 4 hours debugging that message till you give up and set up gpg keys manually Step 5: Guess that the setup instructions for this extension are in the gopass repo Step 6: Get to the part about how you need to install gopass-json from the releases page as instructed by the README Step 7: Realise that application isn't actually there any more and instead is somewhere else on the web. Guess that it might be in their github account under gopass-json Step 8: Go to the gopass-json rep and read that readme to discover you need to download the program from this associated releases page. Step 9: Run gopass-json configure as instructed and answer it's questions and see that a wrapper script is generated SOMEWHERE! Step 10: Guess that the wrapper needs to be run and is probably in ~/.config/gopass/ Step 11: Run it and get a cryptic message and nothing else. Step 12: Click on browser the extension and get the message "Please update gopass to version 1.8.5" or later. Step 13: Go check what version of gopass you are running and see that it's version 1.12.8 Step 14: Realise that this was actually just a massive software version of a Rick Roll and you've wasted your entire night on something that was never going to work and that you never actually spent this long setting up the pass extension and it's browser companion, which is really saying something as that experience was far from friendly. It seems like this software may have had a friendly install at one point but gradually they decoupled many parts of the software and forgot to make sure it all still worked together and was documented.
2020-07-10 Sebastian It works fine, great work!
2019-09-02 Firefox user 12508281
2019-08-18 jln Great addon!
2019-03-13 Nick Very useful.
2018-11-06 arvenil It works! Thank you! The browser plugin could inform that `gopass jsonapi configure` was not done but beside works nice.
2018-07-20 Firefox user 14171991
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