Gruvbox Material Dark Soft

Gruvbox Material Dark Soft

An adaptation of Gruvbox Material in dark mode with soft contrast. All credit goes to Sainnhe Park, the creator of Gruvbox Material, and Pavel Pertsev, the creator of Gruvbox.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "manifest_version": 2,
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "name": "Gruvbox Material Dark Soft",
  "theme": {
    "images": {},
    "properties": {},
    "colors": {
      "toolbar": "rgb(60, 56, 54)",
      "toolbar_text": "rgb(221, 199, 161)",
      "frame": "rgb(40, 40, 40)",
      "tab_background_text": "rgb(212, 190, 152)",
      "toolbar_field": "rgb(40, 40, 40)",
      "toolbar_field_text": "rgb(212, 190, 152)",
      "tab_line": "rgba(60, 56, 54, 0)",
      "popup": "rgb(60, 56, 54)",
      "popup_text": "rgb(221, 199, 161)",
      "icons_attention": "rgb(234, 105, 98)",
      "icons": "rgb(211, 134, 155)",
      "popup_border": "rgb(80, 73, 69)",
      "popup_highlight": "rgb(76, 52, 50)",
      "toolbar_field_border_focus": "rgb(231, 138, 78)",
      "tab_loading": "rgba(60, 56, 54, 0)"