Insta Media Downloader

Download medias from IG in a fast and easy way. A download button will be inserted for every media displayed by IG.

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 110)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for downloading images and videos from Instagram when functioning properly
  • Fast response from developers in fixing issues
  • Better performance compared to similar add-ons
  • Works well for downloading photos most of the time
  • Often experiences issues with downloading videos and Instagram stories
  • Can cause Instagram to load slowly or crash
  • Requires disabling other add-ons like Facebook Container for better functionality
  • Not consistently reliable, breaks frequently after Instagram updates
Most mentioned
  • Current functionality problems with downloading videos and stories
  • Add-on causes Instagram to crash or load slowly when active
  • Frequent updates needed to keep up with Instagram changes
  • Good performance when working properly and developer responsiveness to issues
See reviews for Insta Media Downloader on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.25
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Rating filters

5 star
66% (89)
4 star
10% (14)
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9% (12)
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4% (5)
1 star
10% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-01-31 Firefox user 14650413 This extension led to me not being able to access Instagram at all. As soon as I disabled it, access returned.
2025-01-28 Firefox user 18804406 Confirming this is indeed broken, first image appears very zoomed, subsequent pictures appear grey, and no download button. Hope it gets fixed because until now it's been a great app.
2025-01-16 kris_x broken by now. pics are extra zoomed, download button on preview pane disappeared and still makes instagram really slow and even crash after preview several dozen pics
2025-01-12 werty broken for 1 week
2024-12-09 bunnie
2024-11-16 Evanescence Great
2024-11-14 Firefox user 18684373 yeah disable facebook container if you want it to work great addon
2024-11-14 Firefox user 18684373 very good but sadly only work with image at the time of writing this, stories and video either don't work or don't show up
2024-11-13 Firefox user 17168994 2024-11-14 04:44 UTC+8 not working for "story video" thank you for fixing ps: it will crash with "Facebook Container" add ons
2024-11-04 ldh00vt Working again!
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