LibreWolf Update Alerter is a Firefox add-on that checks for updates of the LibreWolf browser. It directs users to the GitLab releases page for downloading the latest version. Written by Sam St-Pettersen, it is not endorsed by the LibreWolf project.
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Chrome-Stats extension
to view Chrome-Stats data as you browse the Firefox Browser Add-ons.
To use, simply make, one of your homepage tabs and optionally enable the button which will report the current version of LibreWolf that you are using.
On Windows/Mac OS X, when an update is available, you will be directed to the GitLab releases page for executables for your operating system.
On Linux, you will be similary directed to the GitLab releases page for AppImages.
Experiencing the same issue as everyone else: the add-on simply says "current version: undefined".
There also hasn't been any activity on the linked GitLab for a year; seems like this add-on is abandonware.
Works very well. It only has permission to which meens you need to visit to get notified if there is an update or not. Otherwise you se "current version: undefined"