Omegle Anti-Spam and Dark Mode

Besides working as anti-spam, you can also enable auto-reconnect and set your own greeting message with other Anti-Spam options!

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 18)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well with efficient anti-spam functionality
  • Offers automatic reconnection and sending automated intro messages
  • Allows user to filter words and/or expressions
  • Auto reconnect sometimes fails to work
  • Difficulties clearing or removing users from blocklist
  • Issue with automatic welcome message feature, sometimes not working
Most mentioned
  • Auto reconnect
  • Blocklist management
  • Custom Filter functionality
See reviews for Omegle Anti-Spam and Dark Mode on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.44
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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-02-27 Cyan
2022-12-27 翻墙部落 欢迎光临翻墙部落! 打开天窗,听听外面的声音! 穿越迷雾,寻找人生真谛!
2022-12-23 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-12-18 corialus Wow, the first extension for Omegle that actually works for me. Love the easy settings menu and various tools. This might be a functionality of Omegle's site (I just noticed it within the past two weeks) but the auto-roll feature isn't working for me anymore. After clicking Esc to exit a chat, I have to click a second time to reroll. Is there plans to incorporate a geolocation feature?
2022-10-24 Matt Good add-on. I'm not sure that the user blocking is working at the moment, but with the auto-reconnect enabled it does at least allow skipping of users with a single click. As others have said, it would be nice to have a feature to skip/block people who just introduce themselves with 'm'. Perhaps if there was an option to treat single character messages as spam?
2022-07-30 Les Témoins De Yéhovah Dieu Amen how does the custom regex filter work? thanks
2022-07-18 Emma Works extremely well, but would be very nice if it was possible to clear your blocklist, or ideally unblock people by time. So far, I've found no way to clear it.
2022-03-15 Natustell The multi-message functionality is not working for me. I separate my messages with semi-colons like so: This is the first message.; This is the second message. It only sends the second message if I do this. I also have an idea for a feature; keyword response. Many bots respond sequentially with common statements to trick users into thinking they are human. These common statements are risky to filter out because real people might use them. This plugin should send a message such as "If you're not a bot, say 'potato'", where 'potato' is a keyword. If the response does not contain the keyword, in this case: 'potato', then the they will be flagged as spam. If the response does contain the keyword, then they will be considered genuine and the tone will sound.
2022-03-13 Firefox user 14251598 The auto reconnect is not working now
2022-01-16 GOB How do I send my whole message?
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