N-able Passportal

N-able Passportal

N-able Passportal™ has a new fully native browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and all Chromium-based browsers that enable users to easily access and manage their My Vault, Company Vault, and Client Vault credentials securely.

Total ratings for N-able Passportal
2.08 (Rating count: 13)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good tool for securely organizing and managing credentials.
  • Works as promised when functioning correctly.
  • Clean, curated universe and dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services.
  • Consistently forgets remembered info, requiring daily re-entry of credentials.
  • Interferes with the functionality of certain websites and web elements.
  • Slows website access by examining every data request.
  • Prevents images on certain domains from loading properly.
  • Breaks the login process on multiple websites.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with remembering login information.
  • Interference with website functionality.
  • Need for high amount of permissions.
See reviews for N-able Passportal on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent reviews for N-able Passportal
Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 2.08
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47% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
2022-12-27 翻墙部落 欢迎光临翻墙部落! 打开天窗,听听外面的声音! 穿越迷雾,寻找人生真谛! https://github.com/osurf/jzdy/blob/master/README.md?
2022-12-23 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==> https://www.ganjing.com
2021-07-01 Damn Good Dave This add on is a good tool for securely organizing and managing credentials. It works as promised.
2021-05-12 Craig For absolutely no reason i can discern, this add-on constantly forgets the remembered info. I have to re-enter the email/pass/org key daily, and all my colleagues do as well. It's been this way for years. As an MSP/Partner this makes it unsupportable for our clients. It's a shame, because it's a good product otherwise.
2020-11-24 wehde Generate password doesn't work. Just shows a blank box.
2020-10-14 Charles V There seems to be a weird interaction with certain websites and this addon... When I'm on certain sites, web elements and menus stop functioning (specific examples: Mimecast Admin Portal, Ubiquiti Unifi Control Center). As soon as I turn off the addon the websites function normally again. I'm not sure what's interfering with the sites elements, but interacting with affected sites becomes cumbersome and is the same accross browsers. Turning the addon on and off all the time will just end up with me uninstalling it...
2020-09-10 12bytes
2020-05-11 chaoscreater If this addon is enabled, it will prevent images on certain domains from loading properly. E.g. Youtube.com or Chrome store - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tldr-summarize-anything/lglnmbpmjmmnlcljhhfnijkjcebnomjk?hl=en As soon as you disable the addon, images will load OK. Consistent behaviour.
2020-02-21 SLAdmin Was working, now just slows all my website access by looking at every data request.....
2020-02-21 Firefox user 15682761 Definitely still breaks AutoTask. That said, I found the same issue in other browsers without the addon when just pasting in, so I think they're doing something to prevent any kind of pasting. I found if after pasting I press 3 random keys and 3 backspaces so the site thinks I've typed it, it always works okay. That said, this extension *does* seem to break logging into Sophos router interfaces, which I do regularly for work. After I've logged in with this extension installed, I have to clear cache for the "site" each time I'm logged out. Don't know any others off the top of my head right now, but this extension definitely breaks login on multiple other websites (Ruckus Cloud, I believe) It's insanely annoying to need Chrome open for half of my job most of the day.
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