Perforated Leather

Perforated Leather

Perforated Leather Theme || Compatible with all video resolutions up to 3000 pixels. (Per tutte le risoluzioni video fino a 3000px. Schema di Colori base). Pelle grigia forata per agende organizer. Perforated gray leather for organizer.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "name": "Perforated Leather",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "version": "3.0",
  "theme": {
    "images": {
      "theme_frame": "header.png"
    "colors": {
      "frame": "#1e2a38",
      "tab_background_text": "rgba(117, 221, 255, 1)",
      "toolbar": "rgba(43, 122, 138, 0.29)",
      "bookmark_text": "rgba(255, 72, 0, 1)",
      "toolbar_field": "rgba(146, 217, 209, 1)",
      "tab_line": "rgba(255, 72, 0, 1)"