PriceBlink - Price Comp & Coupons

PriceBlink - Price Comp & Coupons

**As seen on the Today Show, USA Today, ABC News** Automatically finds lower prices and money-saving coupons from thousands of retailers while you shop. PriceBlink stays hidden until you are shopping. US and UK. Demo:

Historical stats trends for PriceBlink - Price Comp & Coupons
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Stat Value 1-day change 1-week change TrendsExport
User count 1,361 ▼ -14 ▼ -1
Average rating 4.07 - -
Rating count 54 - -
Category / Keyword Position 1-day change 1-week change Keyword Difficulty TrendsExport
Overall 2460 ▲ 4 ▲ 134
Alerts & Updates 67 - -
Shopping 113 - ▲ 2
price keyword 8 - - 42
coupon keyword 9 - - 26
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