Reload Without Cache

Reload Without Cache

Provide a toolbar button to reload the current tab without using the web cache. This is useful for testing a live site during web development, or any other case where you suspect an apparent malfunction in a site is related to cached data.

Total ratings for Reload Without Cache
4.13 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Reload Without Cache on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for Reload Without Cache
Recent rating average: 4.22
All time rating average: 4.13
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67% (6)
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22% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2022-12-25 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-06-30 LeeteqXV When it works, it is awsome, but it does not always solve the problem that prompts me to use it. Not sure if when it does not work, whether that is the fault of this addon, though.
2022-05-27 maiku Works as expected and easy to use.
2021-04-25 DanC The toolbar icon is too small.
2021-04-01 Stony_1972 Man kennt es von Firefox: Man bekommt einfach nicht die aktuelle Version einer Webseite angezeigt. Für mich schon lange ein Ärgernis, weil auch die eingebaute "Reload"-Funktion nicht richtig funktioniert. Daher ist das hier ein ganz tolles Add-on! Endlich kann man diese schwachsinnige Cache-Handhabung von Firefox umgehen und Seiten zuverlässig komplett neu laden. Die Firefox-Entwickler wären gut beraten dieses Add-On in das völlig unzuverlässige und funktionell unbrauchbare Cache-System zu integrieren!
2021-03-29 sudowtf I thought this was working fine, but recently i've noticed on both my machines, it's using cached pages. I'm forced to triger another cache cleaner plugin for the time being, then F5/reload.
2019-01-01 Augusto I have problems to enter to Gmail with Firefox 56 because web cache issues, and your extension saved me!
2018-10-06 remmmie Did not want to have to rate it but could not leave a review without choosing stars. Problem is, the icon is GIGANTIC in the toolbar. So large it can't put put there, like 10x bigger than it should be. Shame b/c I really wanted to try this. Wish there was a text menu shortcut in Tools to get to it so I could have tried it. Using Waterfox current version, based on Mozilla's most current code, but supports the old add-ons and also Web extensions. This issue also happens with one other extension I used to use (Cache Cleaner with the whisk broom icon). Others reported it too but doesn't happen for everyone. Will try this extension again (it's a great idea) if this is resolved.
2018-03-28 Firefox user 13906268 This is a great extension especially when you are making web pages, all you have to is click the icon and then I can see the changes of my pages immediately.