Pubmed是美国国立卫生研究所管理的、向全球开放的数据库。用户可以在网站上检索已经或是即将发表的文献,并查看这些文献的相关信息,包括作者、期刊、发表日期、摘要和下载信息。网站链接为 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Scholarscope is available to install from Firefox Browser Add-ons and for download from this page. It has 11,966 active users The latest version is 4.3.5, and it was published 5 months ago.
Install from Firefox Browser Add-onsTotal download count: 1
All available versions
You can find the current and older versions of Scholarscope here. You can download the archived versions or inspect their source codes.
As a free user, you can only download the latest version.
Upgrade to download older versions
7 versions available for download. Install XPI file
- Simply drag-and-drop the XPI into Firefox to install the add-on.
Install ZIP file
- Download the Scholarscope ZIP file
- In Firefox browser, go to
to open Add-ons Manager - Click on , then select Install Add-on From File
- Select the Scholarscope ZIP file from step 1. Scholarscope is now installed on your browser.