Send to Todoist is a Firefox add-on that allows you to quickly create tasks in Todoist using a context menu shortcut and access keys. It provides useful shortcuts for adding tasks quickly to your various projects, and the API key stays stored securely in your browser storage.
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Send to Todoist helps you quickly add tasks to your projects
The official Todoist extension is great for managing your projects and completing tasks, however it is missing useful shortcuts for adding tasks quickly to your various projects.
This extension adds context menus that appear for highlighted text, links, or just right-clicking on the page.
Highlighted text will be used as the title for the created task.
Link text will be used as the content, with the URL for the link appended to the end of the task name.
The page title will be used as the task title, with the page URL used to make that title a link.
If you have multiple projects, you can use the shortcut keys (numbers next to the project name) to quickly choose a project and due date! See the screenshots for examples.
To quickly add a page as a task in your Inbox, use the keyboard shortcut: Cmd+Shift+I (Ctrl+Shift+I on Linux and Windows)
User reviews
I tried the official Todoist extension, Better Todoist and this extension. This one fits my needs of sending GitHub issues to Todoist the best. I can highlight the piece of text and the right click and send it to Todoist. It is still not perfect but good enough for my needs. I can imagine using it more in the future. The "highlighted text to task" feature seems very handy.
I'm not seeing any context menu to send the page to Todoist. Are you doing phishing? I have to re-sign my Todoist for security and will remove this extension before proven to be working properly.