Simple Porn Blocker

Simple extension that blocks pornographic sites and pages by scanning the URL for certain words. Easily add and remove websites and keywords to block.

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Simple Porn Blocker on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.50

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-07-24 Caleb Its good at what it does. Yeah it takes a second for it to update, but it does block. I wish their was a way to bulk edit this list, like add a bunch of bad domains or words in one sitting
2023-10-29 Firefox user 18121999 Csak a legnépszerűbb pornó oldalakat blokkolja. A kevésbé népszerűeket nem. És ha azt mondom neki hogy a jelenlegi oldalt blokkolja és újratöltöm, nem blokkolja. És vannak oldalak, amiket csak egy idő után jut eszébe blokkolni. Amikor például rá kattintok ott valamire.
2023-10-26 Firefox user 18115333 It doesn't actually block content you put on the block list. Please update, and thank you for your efforts thus far.
2023-03-06 Firefox user 17807491
2022-09-09 Shin Jeasung
2022-03-03 Anubis Tyrant Very Good addon for Porn/non-Porn blocking. Only thing is When I add a custom word or site and hit change button, it doesn't do anything