
A minimalist yet efficient cookie manager for Firefox

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4.20 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for SimpleCookie on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 3.75
All time rating average: 4.20

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2024-09-02 AnarcoDani I was looking for a simple replacement for Cookie AutoDelete, since its development seems to be stagnated and lacks basic stuff like a dark mode. This add-on, although not a full replacement yet, works quite nicely! I however think it could be improved in three ways to be just perfect: - Provide the option to revert the recent deletion of cookies from a domain, similar to what the previously mentioned CAD does. - Hide the "nuclear" option better by default, or at least give the option to do so while still showing the rest of icons from the ribbon. Reading all the stuff it deletes (including plugin data and saved passwords!), it seems like a really extreme action that most users of a "simple cookie manager" probably don't intend to use frequently (or ever), so having this drastic button just casually sitting next to the much more innocuous "clean cookies" and "options" ones seems like a recipe for disaster, as illustrated by what happened to a previous user here. I don't think that the hovering pop-up warning is enough; when you click on it I would also provide a warning confirmation dialog, just to ensure the action is reversible even when clicked by mistake. Maybe this last element has already been implemented though, I of course haven't dared to click the icon to check. - Add an option to treat (and maybe other particular country domains like that) as a single level domain, to keep the same logic for websites inside and outside the UK.
2024-07-08 宇航 Found on Reddit, this tool is great for quickly checking cookies and even for logging out of websites faster, although that might not have been its main purpose!
2024-07-08 John
2024-05-31 Firefox user 18442985 Exersice caution when using this extension! Partly my fault for not being careful, but unlabeled icons that I clicked, thinking it would take me to a menu, deleted everything cookie-related, incuding saved passwords. Windows system restore didn't seem to help revert the mistake.