What is Tab Carousel?
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Add-on summary
Tab Carousel as a simple dashboard tool. It is a cheap way to visually monitor a number of websites and keep them in your thoughts. You can monitor multiple dash board web pages for sys admin tasks. You can monitor the news headlines of your favourite news sources. You can update searches on a specific topic to see if anything has changed. The applications are endless.
Tab Carousel is best used with a separate monitor a folder of bookmarked tabs and something to switch of the adverts. Apologies to the advertising companies out there, but in this case no one is seeing the adds and they can really lengthen page load times when the website is not constructed sensibly.
User reviews
Add-on safety
Risk impact
Tab Carousel requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Tab Carousel is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.