Tab Badge

Tab Badge

Shows a small badge with the unread count (the number between parentheses in the page's title) of the tabs over their favicon.

Total ratings for Tab Badge
4.00 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Tab Badge on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for Tab Badge
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00
Rating filters
5 star
75% (3)
4 star
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2 star
1 star
25% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2023-09-18 Firefox user 18060059 Works as intended.
2023-01-08 Slinx Works on pinned tabs, which is what i hoped. I would love it it could ONLY work on pinned and that the background color was changeable, but that's not really a fault, just a feature request
2021-02-28 Spanky When tab title has any number between brackets, the extension changes tab badge count, even though there are no unread posts, just number in brackets. This includes bookmarks, which keep the badge count somehow, even after the extension is removed.
2019-09-11 Firefox user 13253592