Tile Tabs WE

Tile Tabs WE

Take tabs from parent windows and arrange them in layouts of tiled sub-windows, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Makes it easy to browse, compare or monitor multiple pages. Synchronize scroll. Save and re-open layouts.

Total ratings for Tile Tabs WE
2.85 (Rating count: 327)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Can recall windows automatically with correct settings
  • Helpful for managing multiple tabs and monitors
  • Restores child tabs as child tabs, with compatibility for features like Sidebery/TST
  • Confusing execution and lack of clear instructions
  • Closing issues, such as closing one window can close all windows created by the addon
  • Incompatibility with other extensions like Simple Tab Groups
  • Minimum size limitations for the layout of the tiles
  • Toggle Toolbars option seems to break the tiling layout
Most mentioned
  • Confusing user interface and user experience
  • Issues with saving and recalling layouts and tab states
  • Unexpected behavior when closing windows or tabs
  • Problems with compatibility and conflicts with other add-ons
  • Lacks feature granularity and customization options
See reviews for Tile Tabs WE on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent reviews for Tile Tabs WE
Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 2.85
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-04-29 Cerasus
2024-02-29 Firefox user 13699303 This app needs some work. Great idea, confusing execution. I have a four monitor setup where I'm switching between monitors a bit. I got this addon so I can keep a browser on my 2k monitor for media playback while I have a browser on one of my 1080 monitors for other stuff so I can read etc and watch stuff without having to navigate a bunch of tabs in a single browser when I want to change videos. Initially Tile Tabs seems great. When you open Firefox it can automatically recall the windows if you have your settings right. I accomplished this a few times when initially testing it. Issues arise quickly past that. It seems that closing one window can close all windows created by the addon. This is frustrating because in my use case I already had my original browser window open, and the addon would bring up two windows, so I basically had to move all my tabs from my old window to the two new ones. Closing either window seemed to close both of them. I saved a layout - exactly as described above, one window with media playback and one with other web pages like articles etc. - and set it to save tabs as well. I have a TV I switch to at night to play videos in bed, and since at that point it's just one screen I figured I should be able to close the text window and keep open the media playback one so I'm not juggling a bunch of windows. Contrary to what I described above, it somehow let me close one of the windows. I remember testing the layout and bringing the other window back up with tabs intact. But when I got out of bed this morning and tried to bring up the window I closed yesterday it's just gone. I tried to reload my layout and it brings up blank windows, no tabs saved. Firefox doesn't have it saved as a "previously closed window". I closed out Firefox and reopened it (I have my layout set as default) and sure enough it brought up this current window as well as two empty windows. Whatever I had open on that browser window is just gone now. All I did was split tabs between the windows this addon gave me, saved it as a layout with the option to save tabs selected, closed one of the windows for a few hours, then clicked the icon to load my saved layout. Quick menu icon in top left of web page disappeared at some point and idk how to bring it back. This is an addon that I would really like to play with and see if I can get it to work how I want but I also don't want to risk losing a whole window's worth of tabs again. If I missed something then there needs to be clearer instruction within the addon.
2023-12-22 smayer97 What ever happened to Tile Pages WE?
2023-11-04 suzaku380
2023-10-27 cr what the ...!? It just creates some windows and automatically position them for you!? No, I do not want more windows, I want the content of the tabs I selected(! and not all) tiled in the same existing window. Check Vivaldi on how to properly create Tiles
2023-09-29 akasico1
2023-08-04 Firefox user 17151922 It does its job but in KDE Neon it works a bit strange, as it often leaves an gap in the left side when doing a 4/4 tilling.
2023-04-19 whitewolfcan It is conflicting with Simple Tab Groups. As soon as I activates a Tile layout, it added strange numbers in front of my Tab Group names and tabs inside. The strange numbers remained even after closing the layout. I had to restore from my STG backup to restore the correct names.
2023-04-04 天灭中共退党团队保平安
2023-03-15 Konstantin
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