Tokyo Night

Tokyo Night

Dark Firefox theme inspired by Low contrast and dark colors make it great for everyday use.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "manifest_version": 2,
  "version": "1.0",
  "name": "Tokyo Night",
  "theme": {
    "images": {
      "additional_backgrounds": [
    "properties": {
      "additional_backgrounds_alignment": [
      "additional_backgrounds_tiling": [
    "colors": {
      "toolbar": "rgb(26, 27, 38)",
      "toolbar_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "frame": "rgb(21, 22, 30)",
      "tab_background_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "toolbar_field": "rgb(21, 22, 30)",
      "toolbar_field_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "tab_line": "rgb(122, 162, 247)",
      "popup": "rgb(21, 22, 30)",
      "popup_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "button_background_active": "rgba(0, 20, 255, 0)",
      "icons": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "ntp_background": "rgb(26, 27, 38)",
      "ntp_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "popup_border": "rgb(21, 22, 30)",
      "sidebar_border": "rgba(26, 27, 38, 0)",
      "sidebar_highlight_text": "rgb(122, 162, 247)",
      "sidebar_highlight": "rgb(54, 58, 89)",
      "sidebar_text": "rgb(192, 202, 245)",
      "sidebar": "rgb(26, 27, 38)",
      "toolbar_bottom_separator": "rgb(26, 27, 38)",
      "tab_loading": "rgb(122, 162, 247)"
  "browser_specific_settings": {
    "gecko": {
      "id": "{4520dc08-80f4-4b2e-982a-c17af42e5e4d}"