Urban Social Network Adblocker

Urban Social Network Adblocker

Just one click and you are on your way!

Total ratings for Urban Social Network Adblocker
2.50 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Urban Social Network Adblocker on Firefox Browser Add-ons
Recent reviews for Urban Social Network Adblocker
Recent rating average: 2.78
All time rating average: 2.50
Rating filters
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33% (3)
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11% (1)
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44% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
2022-12-24 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==> https://www.ganjing.com
2022-11-03 Programmer Hat majority of the reviews says this doesn't work and the Chrome version of it doesn't work either. want something that works? Use this add-on instead: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ad-blocker-for-facebook-app/ or get the Chrome version: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-ad-blocker-for-face/cfelggdancjlfmekcfekjemffindioac
2022-07-08 Amine Absolutely useless
2022-05-16 Firefox user 17415472
2021-10-09 Lordloss Doesnt block video ads on facebook, so its totally useless
2021-05-06 Joeyonthecliff I don't know if it really works, perhaps it may also slow down the browser and the computer.
2021-04-20 Claude Gauthier Ne bloque aucune pub vidéo, extension inutile!
2021-02-01 SupremeTamer Blocks ads but not recomended.
2021-01-17 sanya_ferrari