Scrobble music all around the web!
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Review summary
- Works flawlessly according to multiple users
- Excellent extension with simple usage after understanding instructions
- Ability to scrobble from YouTube and other music services
- Automatic recognition of tracks from YouTube is inconsistent
- Requires repeated confirmations for the same songs
- Issues with scrobbling content that should not be included (e.g., podcasts, news)
- Does not work with Apple Music
- Inconvenient pause functionality when skipping parts of songs
Most mentioned
- Inconsistent track recognition from YouTube
- Scrobbling issues with non-music videos
- Confusing initial setup for new users
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-02-17 | 退出党团队远离中共恶魔 | ||
2025-01-11 | 3whyL | ||
2024-12-27 | LiberaEspero | Автоматическое опознание треков и исполнителей работает довольно кривенько с Ютуба. И бесит каждый раз подтверждать заново для одних и тех же роликов, что они музыкальные. Было бы классно, если бы информация о таких одобренных треках хранилась. Во всём остальном замечательно | |
2024-12-07 | pxi | ||
2024-12-01 | 8bitredstone | ||
2024-11-15 | redrumthebum | ||
2024-11-10 | zapphren | ||
2024-11-01 | Gersonzao | Works flawlessly! | |
2024-10-27 | muchacho | I'm having an issue where the extension is scrobbling from all channels even tho i have selected only music category (and no i have not selected scrobble from entertainment). I even tried "Scrobble only videos that are recognized by YouTube Music as music" and it's still scrobbling podcasts, news, livestreams, i don't get it. | |
2024-10-15 | Igor Peshkov | Thanks for your work! |
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