Web Video Speed Controller

Effortlessly control any online video speed. Easily operable via a floating interface, or keyboard shortcuts, or mouse actions only.

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4.75 (Rating count: 4)
See reviews for Web Video Speed Controller on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 4.75
All time rating average: 4.75

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-05-01 界安
2024-02-14 Firefox user 18285282 Excellent implementation of mouse scroll for speed. - Request new feature: Smoothed playback dynamic acceleration Example : 1- set desired speed *e.g. x3 2- select starting speed *e.g. x1.5 3- % of video passed until desired speed is reach e.g. *60% Result: The video begins at x1.5 increases gradually as a function of time based on the duration of the video by 60%, speed had gradually increased from 1.5x to 3x in 0.01 stepsizes. e.g. at 60% of elapsed video duration it will be playbackRate = x1.5 + (x3 - x1.5) * (currentTime / duration) / 0.6 This formula means that the playback rate will start at x1.5 and increase linearly as a function of the current time divided by the duration of the video until it reaches 60% of the duration, where it will reach x3. This passive increase in cognitive load will lead to increased comprehension.
2024-01-15 Chan Lim Does the job for me so no complain. But one suggestion If it's possible, Can we add our own custom key?
2023-12-30 CredibleFarce Dev responded to my kneejerk review within hours, before I updated after searching every alternative... I feel a bit bad! Went to 3 star as I decided the features were fine, 4 star as every alternative is worse. So by default this is the best, and I can use autohotkey and stuff to fill in any gaps. The only loss is against the minimalist mouse speed options in (broken/hiatus) Enhancer for Youtube. My initial issues aren't dealbreakers after adjusting settings and seeing worse alternatives: The speed can be set to vanish cleanly, I overreacted. Backspace is a decent hotkey to reset time if next to numpad. Scrolling for speed as a remote control *is* what I was hunting for above all else, and your default works for projecting but interferes with browsing. It is a painfully near miss, but an out of the box solution is a luxury. I can add hotkeys to peripherals with less time than I spent looking for alternatives. The enhancer icon appears on lots of pages off video sites, but that icon spam may be an unavoidable annoyance and I don't see any privacy issues. After hours between checking alternatives and adapting, I was too spoiled, and if mouse scroll is idiot-proofed for people scrolling through comments it's a 5. I love the granularity so much, and I want to test it with music sometime. --- Initial --- Early Version? Stuck over the video (as in screenshots) and few allowed hotkeys. With just a forward-slash it would be good enough for my needs. It's not useful with mouse, as scrolling up and down a page will put your cursor over the video and it's easy to unintentionally alter speed. The addon is granular, functional, and the theme options are nice.