Winery V1 is a theme associated with the colors of grapes, wine and barrels filled with the nectar of the gods. For those who want stimulating and restful colors together this theme is for them. For all video resolutions.
Winery V1 is available to install from Firefox Browser Add-ons and for download from this page. It has 659 active users The latest version is 1.0, and it was published 2 years ago.
Install from Firefox Browser Add-onsTotal download count: 0
All available versions
You can find the current and older versions of Winery V1 here. You can download the archived versions or inspect their source codes.
As a free user, you can only download the latest version.
Upgrade to download older versions
1 version available for download. Install XPI file
- Simply drag-and-drop the XPI into Firefox to install the add-on.
Install ZIP file
- Download the Winery V1 ZIP file
- In Firefox browser, go to
to open Add-ons Manager - Click on , then select Install Add-on From File
- Select the Winery V1 ZIP file from step 1. Winery V1 is now installed on your browser.