
Read in a foreign language. Click on words to add your own translation, and view it by hovering your mouse over the word. Helps visualize your progress in vocabulary acquisition.

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3.63 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Wordology on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 3.78
All time rating average: 3.63

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Date Author Rating Comment
2022-12-26 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==> https://www.ganjing.com
2020-02-13 Firefox user 15660557
2019-12-16 Firefox user 15503362
2019-12-06 Szubxero
2019-08-02 Firefox user 14479841
2019-02-12 Firefox user 14629289 Hi there, this is a really good idea!! I would need a tool like this. Most importantly it is not possible to edit the original word (which very like is highly inflected, I'd rather like to add the base form). I also wonder if the word list should be stored within the Add-On permanently. I fear that it will slow down the browser once the list grows. An Add-On for Chrome that I adore (but can't get to work with Firefox) is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/speed-learning/mgoebobcfmlecmnkediacjlofmbeihaf I stores lists of words and phrases to a google docs table. (There is room for improvement here, too, as I'd rather use shortcuts than right mouse click selection menues, and the "done" window is annoying.) I will definitely watch your Add-On for progress. All the best.
2019-01-12 Firefox user 13654219 Doesn't work well for japanese, the extension don't identify some japanese words as words, just identify words composed entirely of kanjis. I think it's because the extension don't identify japanese and yours written systems but identify as chinese, a language without these written systems.
2018-11-12 PERCE-NEIGE It's a nice idea, and I would need that kind of thing, but how is it supposed to work? The addon button does nothing, I see no means to get something highlighted like in the screenshots provided.
2018-07-28 kringlur Works great, EXCEPT I can't figure out how to get it to recognize long words. Let's pretend I have the Icelandic word lögreglumaðurinn, it's actually 4 different words: lög (law), reglu (order), maður (human), inn (the) (=policeman). I need it to be able to recognize all of these 4 separate words which I've put into the "dictionary" separately. Or let's pretend I have the Indonesian word "melihat" (me "verb", lihat "see" = sees), I need it to recognize "lihat" even when "me" is there, as "me" is a separate word. If this gets fixed (or if it's already possible, if it gets better explained in the FAQ) I'll definitely give this 5 stars.