YouTube AdBlock

YouTube AdBlock

Accelerates and Skips YouTube Ads in Less Than a Second

YouTube AdBlock
What is YouTube AdBlock?
YouTube AdBlock is a Firefox add-on that accelerates and skips YouTube ads in less than a second. It works on both desktop and mobile, and in both YouTube Music and Videos, providing real-time acceleration and auto-skip features.
By: Martin
Version: 1.70 (Last updated: 2024-07-06)
Creation date: 2023-11-09
Weekly download count: 206
Firefox on Android: Yes
Risk impact: Moderate risk impact
Risk likelihood: Moderate risk likelihood
Manifest version: 2
  • storage
  • activeTab
  • scripting
  • *://**
Size: 30.21K
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This is an Add-On Accelerating and Skipping YouTube Ads in Less Than a Second.

  • Real-time Acceleration: Ads are sped up on the fly.
  • Auto-Skip: Bypass ads as soon as they become skippable.

Works on both desktop and mobile, and in both YouTube Music and Videos.

Demo video

How it Works: A process, running when the current tab is, periodically checks the page content for ads. If there is one, the process accelerates it by setting the playback rate to the value set in your config (e.g., 10). As soon as the "Skip Ads ->" button shows up, the process clicks it. When the ad is skipped, the process increments a local private counter of skipped ads in the browser.

Privacy and Security:

  • Besides clicking on the "Skip Ads" and increasing the ad playback rate, it does not make any changes to the page.
  • It does not collect any data.
  • It does not store or retrieve any cookies.
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User reviews
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effectively skips ads on YouTube
  • Frequent updates and responses from the creator
  • Auto-mutes ad sound
  • Occasional detection by YouTube and need to refresh the page
  • May skip entire YouTube video to the end
Most mentioned
  • Effectively skips ads on YouTube
  • Frequent updates and responses from the creator
  • Occasional detection by YouTube and need to refresh the page
Recent reviews
5 stars for being an awesome app for the months I've been using it! Had some trouble today, but uninstall and reinstall seems to have fixed it...

It works, but I'm having a problem with it continuing to fast-forward past the ads and into the video itself, and I'm having to press pause and skip back a bit to the beginning of the video. Otherwise, thank you, I do appreciate not having to be stuck in unskippable ad hell anymore, with ads up to fifteen minutes long we were having to suffer through just to watch a single video.
by cdsuitter, 2024-07-22

This works perfectly fine, clicks the skip button as well. But when it clicks the skip button, YT somehow knows and it gives that "dont use adblockers, allow ads" popup. I was thinking if it could be fixed. (opinion: maybe it clicks as soon as the button appears, that gets it detected. Or YT is actively monitoring mouseclicks over ad skip button.) But thanks! Edit: Also, can you explain what this "boost ad" thing is? I'm unable to understand this, as I have failed to notice that it does anything. (P.S. Hope you get a notif about this review edit :3 )
by a1fa, 2024-07-14
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Risk impact

YouTube AdBlock may not be safe to use and it requires some risky permissions. Exercise caution when installing this add-on. Review carefully before installing.

Risk likelihood

YouTube AdBlock is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.

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