What is YouTube™ AdBlock?
Add-on stats
Add-on summary
YouTube™ AdBlock
Ad blocker extension for annoying ads.
Stop ads while surfing YouTube™ and the Internet. Protect your privacy via in-browser controls!
YouTube™ AdBlock effectively deals with annoying pop-ups, banners and video ads once and for all. In addition to blocking ads, YouTube™ AdBlock prevents ads from loading to reduce energy consumption and wasting your precious resources. It also stops tracking from companies while online and increases website load speed for faster browsing. Thanks to our service, you will be able to block ads for phishing schemes, fraudulent websites, and malware attacks.
Try it on a no obligation limited free trial today! After the free trial period ends, a subscription is required and must be purchased to continue to block ads. For pricing, please visit https://ytadblock.org/pricing and select from either a monthly or annual subscription.
An upgrade to one of our subscription plans includes:
- Unlimited ad blocking
- Licenses for multiple computers (up to 2 for monthly subscription & up to 5 for annual subscription)
- Customer support via email
Add-on safety
Risk impact
YouTube™ AdBlock requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
YouTube™ AdBlock is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.