Turn Off the Lights for Firefox

Turn Off the Lights for Firefox

The entire page will be fading to dark, so you can watch the videos as if you were in the cinema. Works for YouTube and Beyond. Dark mode for all websites. It works for all known video sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


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  "name": "__MSG_name__",
  "short_name": "Turn Off the Lights",
  "version": "",
  "description": "__MSG_description__",
  "author": "Stefan vd",
  "homepage_url": "https://www.turnoffthelights.com/support/",
  "omnibox": {
    "keyword": "totl"
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  "commands": {
    "_execute_action": {
      "suggested_key": {
        "default": "Ctrl+Shift+L",
        "mac": "MacCtrl+Shift+L"
    "toggle-feature-nightmode": {
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