User-Agent Switcher and Manager

Spoof websites trying to gather information about your web navigation—like your browser type and operating system—to deliver distinct content you may not want.

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 711)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Can improve video playback issues on platforms like YouTube.
  • Fixed various problems for some users after installation.
  • Does not work properly, with several users reporting functionality issues.
  • Complicated and unclear user interface.
  • Lack of support for different languages.
Most mentioned
  • Functionality problems after updates.
  • Overly complicated menu and settings.
  • Inconsistent user agent switching.
See reviews for User-Agent Switcher and Manager on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.16
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Rating filters

5 star
66% (243)
4 star
8% (28)
3 star
6% (24)
2 star
4% (14)
1 star
16% (61)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-12-18 Firefox user 18738033 Not working. Have watched the YT video and have tested both the white list and i've tried to use it on ALL websites and it isn't doing anything.
2024-12-16 Firefox user 18692641
2024-12-16 SBTL Useless. Whitelist doesn't work. If I put YouTube in the Whitelist, and set the add-on to use Whitelist, the icon is still off when using YouTube. It seems to maybe help when manually turning it on, but ain't no body got time fo that.
2024-12-14 Firefox user 18731342
2024-12-13 Firefox user 12193918 Abandonware
2024-12-11 DustBoy Doesn't work
2024-12-11 Firefox user 17175611 Absolute trash addon, could not do the one thing I asked it to do which was TO CHANGE MY USER AGENT FOR A SINGLE WEBPAGE
2024-12-07 Firefox user 18719820
2024-11-29 Erdem
2024-11-19 Nicklas Brinkmann
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