List of Firefox add-ons with 1-1.99 stars

Add-ons (also known as extensions) are small programs that run inside web browsers like Mozilla Firefox. They add extra features to the browser without having to download anything new. You can use extensions to make browsing faster, easier, and safer. Some extensions even let you do things like translate text on websites, search the web, and play games.

There are over 28,000 Firefox-addons and 480,000 themes, making it hard to find the best ones. so we have created a way to sort through all of them. Use the dropdown above to set different filters. Add-ons are sorted by number of active users.

To set even more advanced filters, and sort the Firefox add-ons differently, please visit our Advanced search tool. Note that Advanced search tool is only available to premium members.

1,554 results. Page 1 of 63.
Language: Interlingua
#1, Language: Interlingua
Language: Interlingua
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox Language Pack for Interlingua (ia)
1.75 (4)
Language: Ślōnsko (Silesian)
#2, Language: Ślōnsko (Silesian)
Language: Ślōnsko (Silesian)
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox Language Pack for Ślōnsko (szl) – Silesian
1.00 (1)
Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search
#3, Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search
Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search
Earth View 360
Add Earth View 360° & Custom Web Search to access High Resolution 3D Maps & Yahoo Web Search
1.00 (2)
Video Converter World & Custom Web Search
#4, Video Converter World & Custom Web Search
Video Converter World & Custom Web Search
Video Converter World
Add the Video Converter World & Custom Web Search extension to convert videos via an online video converter tool by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser.
1.00 (1)
Turbo Converter & Custom Web Search
#5, Turbo Converter & Custom Web Search
Turbo Converter & Custom Web Search
Turbo Converter
Add the Turbo Converter & Custom Web Search extension to get a metric unit and currency converter by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser
1.00 (1)
Login Safely
#6, Login Safely
Login Safely
Login Safely
Get Login Safely & Custom Web Search to Check Login URL's against Safe Browsing List & Get Yahoo Web Search
1.88 (8)
Sponsored Search by SearchesCentral
#7, Sponsored Search by SearchesCentral
Sponsored Search by SearchesCentral
Get better search results instantly from your home and new tab page!
1.00 (3)
View Recipes & Custom Web Search
#8, View Recipes & Custom Web Search
View Recipes & Custom Web Search
View Recipes
Add View Recipes & Custom Web Search extension then click the icon on your toolbar to access Recipe Search plus Yahoo Web Search.
1.00 (2)
Places Near Me
#9, Places Near Me
Places Near Me
Places Near Me
Places Near Me replaces your new tab with quick access to Nearby Places & Yahoo web search.
1.00 (1)
Twitch Ad Blocker
#10, Twitch Ad Blocker
Twitch Ad Blocker
Twitch Ad Blocker
Tired of Ads on Twitch? Block all ads and watch videos without interruptions.
1.86 (73)
#11, Mapio
Verbessern Sie die Relevanz Ihrer Suchanfragen mit zusätzlichen Inhalten von Mapio.
1.00 (2)
Track Your Order
#12, Track Your Order
Track Your Order
Track Your Order
Track Your Order & Custom Web Search extension then click the icon on your toolbar to Track Your Packages plus Yahoo Web Search.
1.00 (3)
Calendar Planner & Custom Web Search
#13, Calendar Planner & Custom Web Search
Calendar Planner & Custom Web Search
Calendar Planner
Add the Calendar Planner & Custom Web Search extension to get an easy-to-use calendar planner by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo!® search from your browser.
1.00 (1)
Color by Fardos - Color Picker
#14, Color by Fardos - Color Picker
Color by Fardos - Color Picker
Pick colors from websites, save colors & gradients, get matching shades and tints and create beautiful gradients.
1.86 (43)
Google Translate Assistant
#15, Google Translate Assistant
Google Translate Assistant
Webpage translation; Selected word translation; Online translation; Screenshot translation; Translation pronunciation
1.60 (15)
Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search
#16, Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search
Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search
Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search
Add the Calculator Whiz & Custom Web Search extension to get a free online calculator by clicking the favicon on the browser toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search
1.00 (1)
#17, 万能视频下载神器
profession translate
1.00 (1)
Mes recettes de cuisine
#18, Mes recettes de cuisine
Mes recettes de cuisine
Améliorez votre recherche Google grâce aux résultats de notre service.
1.00 (1)
Utorrent For Firefox
#19, Utorrent For Firefox
Utorrent For Firefox
Send Link to Utorrent For Chrome
1.75 (4)
FastSave for Instagram
#20, FastSave for Instagram
FastSave for Instagram
FastSave for Instagram
Enjoy the most beautiful downloader for Instagram. Download All Stories & Videos & Photos from Instagram Anonymously. Supports IGTV download and bulk file download from Instagram page.
1.80 (35)
Transit Schedules
#21, Transit Schedules
Transit Schedules
Transit Schedules
Transit Schedules replaces your new tab with quick transit schedule search with Yahoo web search.
1.00 (1)
Pepper | Shopping with Savings
#22, Pepper | Shopping with Savings
Pepper | Shopping with Savings
Don’t look for discounts anymore! Pepper finds the best ones for you.
1.50 (2)
Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search
#23, Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search
Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search
Latest Wallpapers
Add the Latest Wallpapers & Custom Web Search extension to get free desktop wallpapers by clicking the favicon on the toolbar & enjoy Yahoo® search from your browser
1.00 (1)
MyRegistry Ship Address Assist
#24, MyRegistry Ship Address Assist
MyRegistry Ship Address Assist
Save time and effort by copying the shipping address before you begin checkout
1.67 (6)
Multiple File Downloader
#25, Multiple File Downloader
Multiple File Downloader
MSI Developers
Downloads multiple files from any page
1.94 (49)
1,554 results. Page 1 of 63.